Video: What You Need To Know About Cervical Cancer
Jakarta, Jupe affected by cervical cancer increases the awareness of this one disease. Well, about cervical cancer, there are things you need to understand.
Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor in the cervix or cervix. This happens because the cell changes in the normal cervix become abnormal and the growth is also not controlled, explains Dr. Noviyanti, SpOG from Mayapada Hospital Tangerang in the video Bincang Sehat.
Photo: 20sec
The cause of cervical cancer is human papillomavirus (HPV). In the world today it is known there are more than 100 types of HPV. About 60 types of them cause warts disease in the hands or feet and 40 other types are attracted to the body's slimy tissue. Also read: 5 Facts About HPV, Causes of Cervical Cancer In WomenHPV types 16 and 18 are the most dangerous because it commonly causes cervical cancer in women . In addition, HPV types 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58 are also referred to as high-risk types.
Photo: 20sec
If known early and immediately get treatment, then this type of deadly cancer can be more easily handled. Early prevention can be done with papsmear or visual inspection with acetic acid (IVA). You need to know, now there is a vaccine that can provide protection against HPV. But remember, the new vaccines for HPV types 16 and 18, which together account for 87.6 percent of cases in Indonesia. Therefore early detection should not be ruled out.
Explanation dr Novi around cervical cancer you can see in this Healthy Discussion video:
(vit / mrs)
How Stress Nope, Here's Lifestyle Elon Musk the Bos Tesla klik disini
How Stress Nope, Here's Lifestyle Elon Musk the Bos Tesla
Jakarta, Elon Musk is one of the busiest CEOs in the world who oversees two companies at once, Tesla and SpaceX plus a series of other project names that they do. Therefore, the working hours can reach 80-100 hours in sepekan.Hal this is then called to block the 46-year-old man to take time to do other activities, such as exercising. In an interview with Business Insider, Musk admitted exercising once or twice a week . But he realized that sport has not been a routine for him, and he claims he should be able to do more than that. But when there is time to do it, then Musk exercise option is a treadmill or weightlifting. He is also an extreme sports fan who can boost his adrenaline. It has been proven Musk in the year 2015 ago when trying to do 'wingwalk' or standing on the wings of the plane that was flying. Although workaholize, Musk make sure he sleeps on average for 6-6.5 hours in a day. It's just that he often just go to bed in the early hours at around 1 pm.Meski I can only sleep a few hours, but not much I can do when awake. I even became irritable if sleep deprivation and my mental acuity will decrease, he said in an interview in 2013.
Elon Musk is known to be a workaholic. His working hours alone reached 80-100 hours of pipe. (Photo: privileged)
Also read: Elon Musk Confessed to Bipolar, Allegedly It Cause To be able to stay literate while running two companies, Musk claims to rely on caffeine as his 'coworkers'. Even supposedly the father of 5 children has ever had the habit of consuming 8 cans of Diet Coke and several cups of coffee in a day. But since his vision began to be disturbed due to consumption of excessive stimulant, Musk began to realize and reduce it. I became very excited (because caffeine, red ) until finally I felt I was losing sight of my peripherals. For that now in my office only available caffeine-free coke, he said to also: Excessive Sports Can Trigger Mania Symptoms on BipolarTak only that, one of the founders of PayPal is also the most hate vacation. It's because he once almost breathed his last breath due to malaria in 2000 while on vacation to Brazil and South Africa. That's the lesson I get from vacationing: holidays will kill you, he said. Since childhood this South African-born man is fond of reading, even he was able to spend time for 10 hours a day just for that. While the other hobbies are playing video games.Saya also listen in the car. Sometimes watching movies, playing with the kids, meeting friends, just normal. Sometimes' craze 'on Twitter'. But most of my time just to work, lid as quoted from Also read: Surprise! Bos Tesla Elon Musk Confessed Idap Bipolar Disorder (lll / fds)
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